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Bethesda Row Arts Festival 2021


Saturday October 9th & Sunday October 10th, 2021

The 2021 Bethesda Arts Festival offers a lot of promise. October 9-10 should coincide with a broad and enthusiastic “re-opening” for an outdoor Festival. The Festival attracts 35,000 high income attendees come from the Washington, DC Metro Area, and the surrounding suburbs of Bethesda, Chevy Chase and Upper Northwest. Each October, leading artists nationwide turn Bethesda Row’s Arts and Entertainment District into an outdoor art gallery, featuring juried fine arts and fine crafts. “Art Fair Sourcebook” has recognized the Bethesda Row Arts Festival (BRAF) as one of the top 30 Fine Art Shows in the United States, attracting 35,000 art patrons over the two-day event.

  • CERAMICS: Original clay and porcelain work other than jewelry. If multiple pieces of the same design are displayed, each must be signed.

  • DIGITAL ART: Includes any original work in which the original image

  • DRAWING: Work created using dry medium including pencil, chalk, pastel or charcoal, etc. or from fluid mediums like inks and washes applied by pen or brush.

  • FIBER — DECORATIVE: Any work created from fiber, including leather and basketry.

  • FIBER — WEARABLE: Any work created from fiber, including leather. No machine tooling, machine-screened patterns or other forms of mass productions allowed.

  • GLASS: Glasswork that has been handcrafted by glass blowing, molding, casting or kiln-forming. No alterations of pre-fabricated glass objects.

  • GRAPHICS/PRINTMAKING: Original works created using traditional printmaking methods including block, lithograph, serigraph, etc.

  • JEWELRY: All jewelry must be entered into this category. NO STRUNG PEARLS OR BEADS. You may only display jewelry if you have been accepted in this category.

  • METALWORK: Includes all non-sculptural, non-jewelry works crafted from metals. No production studio work is allowed.

  • MIXED MEDIA 2D: Two-dimensional work that incorporated more than one type of physical material in their production.

  • MIXED MEDIA 3D: Three-dimensional work that incorporates more than one type of physical material in their production.

  • OIL/ACRYLIC: Two-dimensional work created in oils / acrylics.

  • PHOTOGRAPHY: Prints created from the artist's original negative processed by the artist. Prints must be framed to hang on the walls.

  • SCULPTURE: Three-dimensional work created in any medium.

  • WATERCOLOR: Creation of a still life, portrait, landscape, abstract or other image on a flat surface with watercolors.

  • WOOD: Original works in wood that are hand-tooled, machine-worked, turned or carved.


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